Saturday 30 November 2013

Planning Application for S-Fix site refused but amended and resubmitted

The planning application for a dwelling on S-Fix site has been refused fir the following reasons:

 1. The application site lies within the designated Green Belt and the open countryside where, under both national and local policy, new dwellings are inappropriate development. Residential development on this site is therefore contrary to the NPPF and Local Plan Policies C17 and H16. The very special circumstances necessary to overcome the presumption against inappropriate development in the Green Belt have not been demonstrated.

 2. The application site is not considered to be a sustainable location for new housing development in that the village of Prestwick does not have an adequate range of services. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy C1 of the Castle Morpeth Local Plan and the NPPF.

3. By virtue of its scale, massing, design and overall appearance, the proposed new dwelling would not result in an acceptable form of development or design in this location and would have a resultant adverse impact upon the visual amenity of the surrounding area. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy H15 of the Castle Morpeth Local Plan, and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework


  1. Further application submitted in February 2014

  2. think this site should be kept for industrial use only house would spoil the look

  3. The resubmitted planning application does have a lot of letters of support which have been submitted to the Council. Other comments both positive and negative should be made to the council.


Thankyou for your contribution - it is much appreciated