Tuesday 30 September 2014

Noise complaint sent to Newcastle Airport

Unacceptable noise from engine testing between 18.00hrs and 20.00 hrs on Tuesday 30th September 2014. If you heard it and it annoyed you please record either by telephone or email to noise@newcastleinternational.co.uk

Reply received 1st October as follows:

Many thanks for your email. I can confirm that I have logged your complaint in our records.

I have discussed your complaint with Air Traffic Control who have provided me with some information on the noise disturbance you experienced. This was caused by engine testing carried out by an Eastern Airways Jetstream 41 which commenced ground running at 18.35 and continued for 30 minutes.

As you may be aware, at Newcastle International Airport we have restrictions on engine testing which aim to reduce disturbance caused to our neighbours. Engine testing is prohibited between 2300 and 0600 (winter) and 2200 and 0500 (summer) unless there are overriding operational requirements. Therefore the engine testing which took place yesterday was within the time frame engine testing is allowed. I have attached our most recent Noise Action Plan which sets out our noise management programme including engine testing restrictions.

Please note that Newcastle International Airport regrets any annoyance or nuisance our operations may cause to our neighbours. If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Footpath side hedges need cutting

It is surprising that no one has agitated to get the roadside hedges cut- the footpath is extremely narrow. Year after year it seems to be me that gets the action. How about our Town Councillors or Secretary of Residents Association trying to secure the hedge cutting?

To be fair the Airport did cut there hedge without being asked as my post of 11th October 2013 will testify. But we are now getting to a stage where it is dangerous for pedestrians to use the footpath.

Hedge cutting is the responsibility of adjacent land owner according to the 1982 Highways Act. AND the hedge cutter should TIDY UP after and not leave it to the Council Tax payer to pay for the road sweeping!

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Planning application submitted for "Bank Top Garage"

Application no 14/02734/FUL 
Change of use of existing self-storage container area incorporating rear garage access, to customer vehicle parking/storage area incorporating rear garage access - with corresponding change of use of existing customer vehicle parking/storage area and adjoining land to self-storage container area.