Sunday 28 July 2013

New roundabout at Prestwick Road Ends and roundabout at cemetery?

Airport master plan to 2030

The airport master plan published this week shows a proposed new access into the airport at Prestwick Road Ends and a new roundabout on Prestwick Road near the cemetery.

1 comment:

  1. It might be unkind to point out how wrong the Airport Company growth figures can be. In 2000 they predicted 7 million passengers by 2006 - in 2012 the airport had 4.4 million. But the projected figures enabled the company to build "things" The current proposals continues on that them on the pretext of creating jobs!

    Technically speaking the land at Prestwick Road Ends, known locally as E2a, is still part of the Green Belt and the community should consider continued resistance to building on the Green Belt.


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