Focus Group Meeting
Present: Graeme Mason Planning and Corporate Affairs
Director, Erin Robson Airport Planner, Christine Caisley Ponteland TC, Eileen
Armstrong Northumberland CC, Gerry Richardson and Jane Holden, on behalf of
Prestwick Residents.
Erin confirmed that the existing lagoon systems have
been checked and they are working as they should be, they are adequate and
constructed to Environment Agency standards.
The Airport is aware of our concerns about flooding and
will look again at the drainage arrangements for the proposed new car park.
Proposed new car park
The new car park will be accessed by the existing
airport road network. The construction of the car park will be phased and is
unlikely to be as big as is indicated on the plan in the first instance. Graeme
Mason pointed out that they are aware of the issue of light pollution and the
airport intends to introduce various measures to minimise this. The airport
intends to write to all residents to outlining details of the new car park.
Increased traffic and roadside
Erin Robson and Graeme Mason felt that increased traffic
through the village would be unlikely as the main access route is via the A696
dual carriage way. This was questioned by the residents.
It was pointed out that the airport pays the police to
monitor parking in the vicinity of the airport. Apparently, the police do move
illegally parked vehicles on and where appropriate ticket them.
Airport Noise
Residents need to report noise incidents to
and/or Claire Friel, Environmental Adviser on 0191 214 3569
0191 214 3569.

The airport is happy to put a noise monitor in a
resident’s garden on the south side of Prestwick.
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