Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Pothole at Prestwick Hall Farm corner reported
The potholes at Prestwick Hall Farm corner are approaching being dangerous and have been reported.
And have now been repaired - pity that the repair gang left some holes - they will need to come back soon!
And have now been repaired - pity that the repair gang left some holes - they will need to come back soon!
Friday, 14 November 2014
Alan Chilton, Prestwick resident
The following notice has just appeared in the Chronicle:
CHILTON ALAN (Ponteland). After a long illness on 9th November, aged 78 years, Alan, beloved husband of the late Edwina, a much loved dad of Paul, Jane and Catherine, dear father-in-law of Susan, Ian and Andrew, a loving grandad to his six grandchildren. Funeral Service and cremation at the West Road Crematorium on Wednesday 19th November at 11.15am. Would friends please meet at the crematorium. Family flowers only please, a retiring collection will take place in aid of Cancer Research. All welcome afterwards to Dinnington Village Hall.
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Monday, 20 October 2014
Hedge adjacent to Airport boundary
Following Prestwick Miners contact with the Airport the following replay has been received.
"Thank you for contacting Newcastle International Airport (NIA). As part of our annual maintenance programme, each October, work begins to cut back the perimeter hedges across the site. This includes the hedge at Prestwick Road Ends.
I have checked with our maintenance team and I am informed that the contractor is currently on site. I therefore expect that the hedges at Prestwick will be cut back imminently.
Should this not have occurred by early November please do feel free to contact me again."
Hedge now cut and a very good job. The contractor even tidied up after him as he should have done. I bet Council Tax payers have to foot the bill to tidy up after the farmers cut the other roadside hedges.
What happened to our local councillors and Prestwick Residents Association? It took Prestwick Miner once again to get some action!
"Thank you for contacting Newcastle International Airport (NIA). As part of our annual maintenance programme, each October, work begins to cut back the perimeter hedges across the site. This includes the hedge at Prestwick Road Ends.
I have checked with our maintenance team and I am informed that the contractor is currently on site. I therefore expect that the hedges at Prestwick will be cut back imminently.
Should this not have occurred by early November please do feel free to contact me again."
Hedge now cut and a very good job. The contractor even tidied up after him as he should have done. I bet Council Tax payers have to foot the bill to tidy up after the farmers cut the other roadside hedges.
What happened to our local councillors and Prestwick Residents Association? It took Prestwick Miner once again to get some action!
Thursday, 9 October 2014
6 metre ganty sign at Street houses for Dobbies
A planning application is being considered by Northumberland County Council for the erection of a six metre gantry advertising sign for Dobbies to be erected adjacent to the roundabout at Street Houses. Over the years there have been at least 4 fatalities at this location. Statistically this would extrapolate to 40 serious accidents, 400 minor accidents - do we really need to risk distracting road users further?
See planning application 14/02937/ADE
Planning application withdrawn following recommendation of refusal from Highways department
See planning application 14/02937/ADE
Planning application withdrawn following recommendation of refusal from Highways department
Sunday, 5 October 2014
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Noise complaint sent to Newcastle Airport
Unacceptable noise from engine testing between 18.00hrs and 20.00 hrs on Tuesday 30th September 2014. If you heard it and it annoyed you please record either by telephone or email to
Reply received 1st October as follows:
Many thanks for your email. I can confirm that I have logged your complaint in our records.
I have discussed your complaint with Air Traffic Control who have provided me with some information on the noise disturbance you experienced. This was caused by engine testing carried out by an Eastern Airways Jetstream 41 which commenced ground running at 18.35 and continued for 30 minutes.
As you may be aware, at Newcastle International Airport we have restrictions on engine testing which aim to reduce disturbance caused to our neighbours. Engine testing is prohibited between 2300 and 0600 (winter) and 2200 and 0500 (summer) unless there are overriding operational requirements. Therefore the engine testing which took place yesterday was within the time frame engine testing is allowed. I have attached our most recent Noise Action Plan which sets out our noise management programme including engine testing restrictions.
Please note that Newcastle International Airport regrets any annoyance or nuisance our operations may cause to our neighbours. If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Reply received 1st October as follows:
Many thanks for your email. I can confirm that I have logged your complaint in our records.
I have discussed your complaint with Air Traffic Control who have provided me with some information on the noise disturbance you experienced. This was caused by engine testing carried out by an Eastern Airways Jetstream 41 which commenced ground running at 18.35 and continued for 30 minutes.
As you may be aware, at Newcastle International Airport we have restrictions on engine testing which aim to reduce disturbance caused to our neighbours. Engine testing is prohibited between 2300 and 0600 (winter) and 2200 and 0500 (summer) unless there are overriding operational requirements. Therefore the engine testing which took place yesterday was within the time frame engine testing is allowed. I have attached our most recent Noise Action Plan which sets out our noise management programme including engine testing restrictions.
Please note that Newcastle International Airport regrets any annoyance or nuisance our operations may cause to our neighbours. If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Footpath side hedges need cutting
It is surprising that no one has agitated to get the roadside hedges cut- the footpath is extremely narrow. Year after year it seems to be me that gets the action. How about our Town Councillors or Secretary of Residents Association trying to secure the hedge cutting?
To be fair the Airport did cut there hedge without being asked as my post of 11th October 2013 will testify. But we are now getting to a stage where it is dangerous for pedestrians to use the footpath.
Hedge cutting is the responsibility of adjacent land owner according to the 1982 Highways Act. AND the hedge cutter should TIDY UP after and not leave it to the Council Tax payer to pay for the road sweeping!
To be fair the Airport did cut there hedge without being asked as my post of 11th October 2013 will testify. But we are now getting to a stage where it is dangerous for pedestrians to use the footpath.
Hedge cutting is the responsibility of adjacent land owner according to the 1982 Highways Act. AND the hedge cutter should TIDY UP after and not leave it to the Council Tax payer to pay for the road sweeping!
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Planning application submitted for "Bank Top Garage"
Application no 14/02734/FUL
Change of use of existing self-storage container area incorporating rear garage access, to customer vehicle parking/storage area incorporating rear garage access - with corresponding change of use of existing customer vehicle parking/storage area and adjoining land to self-storage container area.
Change of use of existing self-storage container area incorporating rear garage access, to customer vehicle parking/storage area incorporating rear garage access - with corresponding change of use of existing customer vehicle parking/storage area and adjoining land to self-storage container area.
Monday, 11 August 2014
Planning application submitted for Street Houses.
A planning application has been submitted to Northumberland County Council for the Demolition of 2 no semi-detached dwellings and construction of two storey, 14 bedroom hotel with ancillary car parking areas and access roads | Medwyn Street Houses Ponteland Newcastle Upon Tyne Northumberland NE20 9BT. County Council ref 24/01599
Monday, 4 August 2014
Another accident at Hall Farm corner
Chevron signs damaged and debris left following accident |
Accident occurred 4/8/2014 |
Looking south |
Worn specialist anti-skid surface |
Accident on Hall Farm corner. the worn anti-skid surface was reported to County Council six months ago. There was an indication that the Council would address the problem.
Sunday, 3 August 2014
Queen's flag flies at Prestwick
Thomas Miller Claims Management has won a 2014 Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the International Trade category and the flag is proudly flown outside their Prestwick Park offices.
Providing claims handling, adjusting
and operational support services to its clients in the marine, transport
and general commercial business sectors, the
company began trading in 2007 and has grown overseas sales earnings
153% over the last three years, with exports having risen from 44% of
total turnover to 78%.
Pedestrian fence renewed
The pedestrian fence on the village green has been renewed by the County Council so residents need not fear falling into the ditch on dark winters nights.
Albion Tanker restored
Photos courtesy of Catherine Robson dedicated to the memory of her dad, Mel Armstrong. |
Monday, 28 July 2014
Bank Top Garage - another successful Prestwick business
Bank top Garage, Prestwick is a member of the Bosch Car Service network which is a national network of independent garages. Each garage is well established in its own right and aims to keep its premises neat and tidy with clear Bosch Car Service signage, uniforms and equipment. Alan Armstrong owns the business with friendly staff, trained to fit or replace quality parts.
Customer Comments
The Snowball Murder
George Hunter, a pitman, has been executed at Morpeth for the murder of another pitman, named Wood, at Dinnington, on December 19 last. The two men had been out shooting together, and on coming out of a public house about dusk Wood began to throw snowballs at Hunter, who thereupon threatened to shoot him, and immediately did it. The jury recommended him to mercy, but the authorities did not interfere. On the day of the murder the prisoner had signed a memorial praying for a pardon for Richard Charlton, who was then under sentence of death for having shot his wife in the same village.
[from The Argus newspaper, 5th June 1876]
The famous ‘Snowball Murder’ of 1875 occurred on a snowy
winter’s night as four miners, including the above-named George Hunter and
William Wood, were exiting the White Swan
pub in Dinnington after a day’s shooting. A couple of the locals were engaged
in a friendly snowball fight and Wood decided to partake by hurling missiles at
his colleague, Hunter. Not best pleased, Hunter threatened to shoot Wood if he
didn’t stop. “Stop heaving and clotting or I’ll fire,” to which the perpetrator
replied, “Oh, you’ll not fire, Geordie!” The gunman duly delivered his threat
and felled his pal there and then. He fell by the churchyard and soon expired –
his funeral the following Sunday attracting 1,500 attendees.
George Hunter was found guilty the following spring after it was revealed that
he had a history of errant gunmanship. He was hanged at Morpeth on 28th
with thanks to North East History Tour
Thursday, 3 July 2014
Planning application submitted for Prestwick East Farm
A Planning Application has been submitted for Prestwick Livery stable. Condition 1 of the planning approval in 2005 indicated that the permission expired in 2010. The current application is to have this condition removed and to make the Planning approval for the livery stable permanent.
See here
See here
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Potholes on Prestwick Road
Let's see if the County Council can swiftly repair the potholes near the cemetery and on the corner near the airport boundary which were reported 24th June 2014.
Potholes now repaired on 8th July ...... Thank you Northumberland County Council
Potholes now repaired on 8th July ...... Thank you Northumberland County Council
Thursday, 19 June 2014
Sunday, 8 June 2014
Countyfile presenter, Adam Hanson's connection with Prestwick.
Adam will be a familiar face to most of you, presenting the BBC’s Countryfile series. He’s also been seen on Lambing Live with Kate Humble and can be heard on Radio 4’s On Your Farm and Farming Today.
He has been a dedicated supporter and friend to Useful Vision since the charity's beginning.
‘When my late nephew Ben lost his sight, it brought home to me the challenges facing families with a visually impaired child. Finding suitable leisure activities, accessing information, and learning about the latest equipment and technology aids was often an uphill struggle. Ben was the inspiration for Useful Vision which was set up in 2005.
Since then Useful Vision has become the lead provider of events and activities designed specifically for vision impaired children and their families in the North East.
I am delighted to be its Patron and support the work it does’.
USEFULVISION Supporting blind and partially sighted children in the North East
If you would like to know more or would like to donate CLICK HERE
Friday, 6 June 2014
S- Fix site redevelopment approved
Published at 07:35, Wednesday, 04 June 2014. Hexham Courant.
ONE of Ponteland’s most notorious eyesores is to be replaced by a modern house.
At the second time of asking, John and Catherine Robson have been granted permission to build their house on the derelict Old Plant Yard at Prestwick Village.
Although planning officers advised councillors to turn down the application, Northumberland County Council’s west area planning committee gave it the green light without demur.
The committee was reminded that an application for a house on the same site last year had been refused consent as it was considered inappropriate development in the Green Belt.
It was also decided the site was unsustainable and the proposed house would have had an adverse impact upon the visual amenity of the surrounding area.
This new application was for an only slightly smaller house in the same location, so planning officer Joanne Wood recommended refusal for the same reasons.
However, committee members heard there were no objections to the proposal – but there were 10 letters of support.
One supporter said: “ I, like many others, support this application for a family home, which would replace an unsightly, dilapidated, industrial blot on our beautiful landscape
“Prestwick is full of family homes which have their beautiful vistas spoiled by this eyesore.
“A new house would be a welcome addition, and dramatically improve the view.”
Despite the recommendation from officers, Coun. Ian Hutchinson, of Haltwhistle, said: “I cannot see any reason why this should not be approved.”
Corbridge’s Coun. Mrs Jean Fearon added: “Seeing what is there now and the lie of the land, this can only be an improvement.”
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Green Switch Solutions to cover Prestwick Carr fields with solar panels?
Green Switch solutions has submitted planning application 14/01407/SCREEN
Screening consultation: Screening Opinion for Proposed solar PV project
Location: Land North Of Prestwick Village Prestwick Northumberland
See also PC Wanderings Blog on this subject:
When is a farm not a farm?
Anonymous person asked what current status of application is?
PCF said..........
I've been contacted by someone in Lancashire fighting a solar farm proposed by the same company as that at Prestwick. Keeping an eye out but you may be interested
Up to date information appears not to be publicly available:
See also PC Wanderings Blog on this subject:
When is a farm not a farm?
Anonymous person asked what current status of application is?
PCF said..........
I've been contacted by someone in Lancashire fighting a solar farm proposed by the same company as that at Prestwick. Keeping an eye out but you may be interested
Up to date information appears not to be publicly available:
Monday, 5 May 2014
Monday, 7 April 2014
Parakeet returns to Prestwick
For the last 5 years the Ponteland Parakeet has visited Prestwick to pick the new buds from Horse Chestnut Trees. Without fail it's visits commence the week the buds open - and this year was no exception. It (not sure if it is male or female) will be an early morning visitor for the next couple of weeks and then probably not return for another year!
Peter of PC wanderings takes far better pictures than I do so here is one from his collection of fantastic bird pictures at PC Wanderings
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Prestwick 30 MPH
About 15 Prestwick residents
met with a traffic engineer from the Council yesterday who confirmed that a 30 mph limit through the village is appropriate.
A recommendation will go forward to the County Council and a consultation process will be undertaken which will take between 6 and 9 months to implement.
The anti skid surface on the corner would be replaced/ repaired.
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Meeting about possible Speed Limit
A consultation meeting about a 30mph speed limit with Northumberland's Traffic Project Manager has been arranged for Monday 24th March at 4.30pm in the square.
All are welcome
Monday, 10 March 2014
Accidents on Hall Farm corner
The specialist skid resistant surfacing is all but worn off the bend at the Hall Farm corner. It is understood that a number of vehicles have skidded onto the village green. This was a common occurance until the County Council placed an anti skid surface on the bend about 7 years ago. The situation was much improved but inspection will show that renewal of the occurance.
If people have concern they should report the problem to the County Council - strength in numbers!
If people have concern they should report the problem to the County Council - strength in numbers!
Monday, 3 March 2014
Newcastle Airport Prestwick Focus Group Meeting
Focus Group Meeting
Present: Graeme Mason Planning and Corporate Affairs
Director, Erin Robson Airport Planner, Christine Caisley Ponteland TC, Eileen
Armstrong Northumberland CC, Gerry Richardson and Jane Holden, on behalf of
Prestwick Residents.
Erin confirmed that the existing lagoon systems have
been checked and they are working as they should be, they are adequate and
constructed to Environment Agency standards.
The Airport is aware of our concerns about flooding and
will look again at the drainage arrangements for the proposed new car park.
Proposed new car park
The new car park will be accessed by the existing
airport road network. The construction of the car park will be phased and is
unlikely to be as big as is indicated on the plan in the first instance. Graeme
Mason pointed out that they are aware of the issue of light pollution and the
airport intends to introduce various measures to minimise this. The airport
intends to write to all residents to outlining details of the new car park.
Increased traffic and roadside
Erin Robson and Graeme Mason felt that increased traffic
through the village would be unlikely as the main access route is via the A696
dual carriage way. This was questioned by the residents.
It was pointed out that the airport pays the police to
monitor parking in the vicinity of the airport. Apparently, the police do move
illegally parked vehicles on and where appropriate ticket them.
Airport Noise
Residents need to report noise incidents to
and/or Claire Friel, Environmental Adviser on 0191 214 3569
0191 214 3569.

The airport is happy to put a noise monitor in a
resident’s garden on the south side of Prestwick.
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Friday, 21 February 2014
Prestwick and beyond
A presentation to Ponteland WI by Prestwick resident, Michael Taylor on Tuesday 11th March , 7pm Ponteland Memorial Hall
Monday, 17 February 2014
Somerset Levels
PC wanderings has beaten me to post about the current situation on Prestwick Carr - So why not look at his excellent report and photos HERE
Monday, 6 January 2014
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