Monday, 20 October 2014

Hedge adjacent to Airport boundary

Following Prestwick Miners contact with the Airport the following replay has been received.
"Thank you for contacting Newcastle International Airport (NIA). As part of our annual maintenance programme, each October, work begins to cut back the perimeter hedges across the site. This includes the hedge at Prestwick Road Ends.

I have checked with our maintenance team and I am informed that the contractor is  currently on site. I therefore expect that the hedges at Prestwick will be cut back imminently.

Should this not have occurred by early November please do feel free to contact me again."


Hedge now cut and a very good job. The contractor even tidied up after him as he should have done. I bet Council Tax payers have to foot the bill to tidy up after the farmers cut the other roadside hedges.


What happened to our local councillors and Prestwick Residents Association? It took Prestwick Miner once again to get some action!

Thursday, 9 October 2014

6 metre ganty sign at Street houses for Dobbies

A planning application is being considered by Northumberland County Council for the erection of a six metre gantry advertising sign for Dobbies to be erected adjacent to the roundabout at Street Houses. Over the years there have been at least 4 fatalities at this location. Statistically this would extrapolate to 40 serious accidents, 400 minor accidents - do we really need to risk distracting road users further?

See planning application 14/02937/ADE

Planning application withdrawn following recommendation of refusal from Highways department

Sunday, 5 October 2014